Farming program — Etherscan guide
Web application attacks such as DDoS and Phishing attacks are common in the cryptocurrency space and the Ruletka ecosystem is also vulnerable to them. These attacks cannot affect smart contracts, but they can prevent users from interacting with them, effectively locking them out of the ecosystem.
Liquidity farmers are important stakeholders in the Ruletka ecosystem and should therefore always be able to interact with our farming contracts. In this guide you will find all the details you require to farm AMMO directly from Etherscan, in case our user interfaces are down for maintenance or under attack; this is the most secure, yet relatively user-friendly method to farm, and will work 24–7 as long as Etherscan exists. In the following sections you will find out how to farm AMMO with liquidity provided to the RTK/ETH and the RTK/AMMO pools on Uniswap.
Useful information
RTK contract: 0x1F6DEADcb526c4710Cf941872b86dcdfBbBD9211
AMMO contract: 0x41D4E9880d6aE03f6E152A52afc3ECF82063A08b
RTK/ETH pool contract: 0x056bD5A0edeE2bd5ba0B1A1671cf53aA22e03916
RTK/AMMO pool contract: 0xaf3EbD8B007F6D398dE6704865D7C94671388896
RTK/ETH farming contract: 0x52200a3B3665F2EB918cF249F99b97AA791773E1
RTK/AMMO farming contract: 0xD4D448B5a31176D6547c6aF50fF0a1F8551a2026
Farming with RTK/ETH pool liquidity
Providing RTK/ETH liquidity
1. In order to provide liquidity to this pool you will need RTK and ETH. To buy RTK go to
2. Provide liquidity by supplying RTK and ETH to the pool at
You will receive UNI-V2 tokens that represent your ownership share of the RTK/ETH pool.
Staking RTK/ETH liquidity
1. Go to the Write Contract page of the UNI-V2 token contract at and link your wallet to the site by clicking on Connect to Web3.
2. Approve the RTK/ETH farming contract to allow it to spend your UNI-V2 tokens.
2.1. Go to contract function #1 “approve”.
2.2. Paste the farming contract address in the spender cell (0x52200a3B3665F2EB918cF249F99b97AA791773E1).
2.3. Fill in the number of UNI-V2 tokens you would like to approve in the value cell (if you want to stake more tokens in the future, you might want to approve more than you are staking this time).
Attention! Add 18 decimal places to the number of tokens (e.g. if you want to stake 4.5 UNI-V2 tokens, the value should be 4500000000000000000).
2.4 Click on Write and confirm the transaction in your wallet.
3. Go to the Write Contract page of the RTK/ETH farming contract at and make sure your wallet is linked
4. Stake your UNI-V2 tokens to start earning AMMO rewards.
4.1 Go to contract function #6 “stake”
4.2 Fill in the number of UNI-V2 tokens you would like to stake in the value cell (remember to add 18 decimal places).
4.3 Click on Write and confirm the transaction in your wallet.
Attention! A 1% developer fee will be charged, so you will actually be staking 99% of the number of tokens you filled in the value cell.
Claiming AMMO rewards
1. Go to the Write Contract page of the RTK/ETH farming contract at and make sure your wallet is linked.
2. Go to contract function #2 “getReward”
3. Click on Write and confirm the transaction in your wallet.
Withdrawing RTK/ETH liquidity
1. Go to the Write Contract page of the RTK/ETH farming contract at and make sure your wallet is linked.
2. Go to contract function #8 “withdraw”.
3. Click on Write and confirm the transaction in your wallet.
Checking the balance of UNI-V2 tokens already staked
1. Go to the Read Contract page of the RTK/ETH farming contract at and make sure your wallet is linked.
2. Go to contract function #4 “balanceOf”.
3. Paste your wallet address in the account cell.
4. Click on Query.
5. Remove 18 decimal places from the value shown next to unit256 and that is the number of UNI-V2 tokens that you have currently staked in the farming contract.
Farming with RTK/AMMO pool liquidity
The farming procedures laid out earlier apply specifically to the RTK/ETH pool, but the RTK/AMMO pool can be farmed on by following the same steps. The only difference is the contracts with which the user is interacting (refer to the top of this article for the correct contract addresses).
Useful links for farming with RTK/AMMO liquidity
Provide liquidity to the RTK/AMMO pool:
Write Contract page of the UNI-V2 tokens for the RTK/AMMO pool:
Write Contract page of the RTK/AMMO farming contract:
The Ruletka team does not take responsibility for the content of this guide. Use it at your own risk.
Project links
Farming dapp: