(Un)loading AMMO — Etherscan guide

Ruletka Token
6 min readDec 26, 2020


Users of the Ruletka platform can now adjust RTK’s burn mechanism with a higher chance of burn, i.e. add bullets to their guns. This guide provides all details required in order to (un)load RTK with AMMO directly from Etherscan, in case our user interfaces are down for maintenance or under attack; this is the most secure, yet relatively user-friendly method to interact with our contracts, and will work 24–7 as long as Etherscan exists.

Useful information

RTK contract: 0x1F6DEADcb526c4710Cf941872b86dcdfBbBD9211

AMMO contract: 0x41D4E9880d6aE03f6E152A52afc3ECF82063A08b

RTKL2 contract: 0x66bc87412A2D92A2829137AE9dD0Ee063Cd0F201

RTKL3 contract: 0xb0f87621A43f50c3B7a0d9F58cc804f0cdc5C267

RTKL4 contract: 0x4A1c95097473C54619cB0E22c6913206B88B9A1a

RTKL5 contract: 0x63b9713Df102eA2b484196a95CDEc5d8Af278a60

Swap contract: 0xAD627D150e1A09CDc7a770427AF50232fDd1777D

RTKL(X) token assets

RTKL(X) represents the set of more heavily loaded RTK tokens, ranging from RTKL2 to RTKL5, which are loaded with 1 up to 4 extra bullets. Each extra bullet provides an additional 1/6 chance of getting shot and winning the games.

Loading AMMO into RTK

Approve spend for RTK

1. Go to the Write Contract page of the RTK token contract at https://etherscan.io/address/0x1F6DEADcb526c4710Cf941872b86dcdfBbBD9211#writeContract and link your wallet to the site by clicking on Connect to Web3.

2. Approve the swap contract to allow it to spend your RTK tokens.

2.1. Go to contract function #1 “approve”.

2.2. Paste the swap contract address in the spender cell (0xAD627D150e1A09CDc7a770427AF50232fDd1777D).

2.3. Fill in the number of tokens you would like to approve in the amount cell (if you want to swap more tokens in the future, you might want to approve more than you are swapping this time).

Attention! Add 18 decimal places to the number of tokens by clicking on the “+” sign next to amount (uint256) (e.g. if you want to swap 4.5 RTK, the value should be 4500000000000000000).

2.4 Click on Write and confirm the transaction in your wallet.

Approve spend for AMMO

1. Go to the Write Contract page of the AMMO token contract at https://etherscan.io/address/0x41D4E9880d6aE03f6E152A52afc3ECF82063A08b#writeContract and link your wallet to the site by clicking on Connect to Web3.

2. Approve the swap contract to allow it to spend your AMMO tokens.

2.1. Go to contract function #2 “approve”.

2.2. Paste the swap contract address in the spender cell (0xAD627D150e1A09CDc7a770427AF50232fDd1777D).

2.3. Fill in the number of tokens you would like to approve in the tokens cell (if you want to swap more tokens in the future, you might want to approve more than you are swapping this time).

Attention! Add 18 decimal places to the number of tokens (e.g. if you want to swap 4.5 RTK for 4.5 RTKL4, you will need 13.5 AMMO, so the value should be 13500000000000000000).

2.4 Click on Write and confirm the transaction in your wallet.

Load AMMO into RTK

1. Go to the Write Contract page of the swap contract at https://etherscan.io/address/0xad627d150e1a09cdc7a770427af50232fdd1777d#writeContract and link your wallet to the site by clicking on Connect to Web3.

2. Swap RTK + AMMO for RTKL(X)

2.1 Go to contract function #3 “convertRTKIntoRTKLX”

2.2 Fill in the recipient of RTKL(X) in the to cell (e.g. your own address if you want the tokens for yourself)

2.3. Fill in the number of RTK tokens you want to swap in the amount cell

Attention! Add 18 decimal places to the number of tokens (e.g. if you want to swap 4.5 RTK, the value should be 4500000000000000000).

2.4 Fill in the version of RTKL(X) you want to receive (e.g. if you want to receive RTKL4, the value should be 4)

2.5 Click on Write and confirm the transaction in your wallet.
The required number of RTK and AMMO will now be swapped for the chosen version of RTKL(X) in a single transaction.

Unloading AMMO from RTK

Approve spend for RTKL(X)

1. Go to the Write Contract page of the RTKL(X) token contract (select the correct contract address from the list below) and link your wallet to the site by clicking on Connect to Web3.

RTKL2 contract: https://etherscan.io/address/0x66bc87412A2D92A2829137AE9dD0Ee063Cd0F201#writeContract

RTKL3 contract: https://etherscan.io/address/0xb0f87621A43f50c3B7a0d9F58cc804f0cdc5C267#writeContract

RTKL4 contract: https://etherscan.io/address/0x4A1c95097473C54619cB0E22c6913206B88B9A1a#writeContract

RTKL5 contract: https://etherscan.io/address/0x63b9713Df102eA2b484196a95CDEc5d8Af278a60#writeContract

2. Approve the swap contract to allow it to spend your RTKL(X) tokens.

2.1. Go to contract function #1 “approve”.

2.2. Paste the swap contract address in the spender cell (0xAD627D150e1A09CDc7a770427AF50232fDd1777D).

2.3. Fill in the number of tokens you would like to approve in the amount cell (if you want to swap more tokens in the future, you might want to approve more than you are swapping this time).

Attention! Add 18 decimal places to the number of tokens by clicking on the “+” sign next to amount (uint256) (e.g. if you want to swap 4.5 RTKL(X), the value should be 4500000000000000000).

2.4 Click on Write and confirm the transaction in your wallet.

Unload AMMO from RTK

1. Go to the Write Contract page of the swap contract at https://etherscan.io/address/0xad627d150e1a09cdc7a770427af50232fdd1777d#writeContract and link your wallet to the site by clicking on Connect to Web3.

2. Swap RTKL(X) for RTK + AMMO

2.1 Go to contract function #4 “convertRTKLXIntoRTK”

2.2 Fill in the recipient of RTK and AMMO in the to cell (e.g. your own address if you want the tokens for yourself)

2.3. Fill in the number of RTKL(X) tokens you want to swap in the amount cell

Attention! Add 18 decimal places to the number of tokens (e.g. if you want to swap 4.5 RTKL(X), the value should be 4500000000000000000).

2.4 Fill in the version of RTKL(X) you want to swap back to RTK and AMMO (e.g. if you want to swap RTKL4, the value should be 4)

2.5 Click on Write and confirm the transaction in your wallet.
The chosen version of RTKL(X) will now be swapped for the required number of RTK and AMMO in a single transaction.

Additional information about the swap contract

  • Although the swap contract has been subject to peer review, it has not been officially audited. Do not leave your guns loaded at all times!
  • The entire supply of RTKL(X) will be initially locked in the swap contract and can only be unlocked by locking RTK and AMMO.
  • When RTKL(X) is burned, the swap contract becomes unbalanced (there is more RTK and AMMO locked than can ever be unlocked with RTKL[X]). The Ruletka team will be able to withdraw this surplus RTK and AMMO.
  • Surplus RTK and AMMO will be used to replenish the game wallets and the farming contracts; if necessary, also to fund new development. Any remaining tokens will be permanently burned.

The Ruletka team does not take responsibility for the content of this guide. Use it at your own risk.

Project links

Website: https://ruletka.fun/

Farming dapp: https://ruletka.farm/

Telegram: https://t.me/RuletkaToken

Twitter: https://twitter.com/RuletkaToken



Ruletka Token

Ruletka Token (RTK) is an incentive-based deflationary game currency. Its 1 in 6 chance burn mechanism is used in games by reward-seeking players.